Provider Resources

Online Code Combination Simulation Tool

Online Code Combination Simulation Tool

When using your username and password to view your provider portal, you will see a helpful addition. We now provide an online tool for you to simulate code combinations with the ability to view and edit results and rationales.

You will be able to enter procedure codes, modifiers, diagnosis codes, date of service, patient gender, date of birth, and place of service parameters in order to review results specific to the procedure codes being queried.

The results and rationale will be displayed and can be downloaded as a PDF. This allows greater transparency of the code combinations being used at WPS.

Please contact us with any feedback and suggestions you have.

  • WPS Provider Contact Center: 800-765-4977,
    Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT

Claim Editing System is available to Providers from the left navigation under Extras.

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