WPS is now paper-free with new EDI Express Enrollment (E3) system
WPS Health Solutions has implemented a new online enrollment process called EDI Express Enrollment (E3). E3 streamlines the WPS electronic data interchange (EDI) online enrollment
process. Below are some of the benefits of using E3. Please note: We are no longer accepting paper EDI enrollments.
- Most enrollments can be completed in one web session in less than five minutes.
- E3 guides you through the enrollment process using simple questions.
- Based on your answers, E3 generates the necessary agreement(s) and auto-populates the information onto each agreement(s) so you can electronically sign them during your web session.
- Information provided in the enrollment is validated in real-time, so we’ll let you know if incorrect information is entered as you work through the process. This eliminates delays in your enrollment.
- No more uploading agreements!
Our previous WPS Community Manager EDI enrollment system is no longer being used. If you are not currently using E3, please enroll in E3 and get signed up today.